Colonoscopy or Full Moon Parasite Cleanse ….

Get more from your experience when you choose Full Moon parasite cleanse. Many people are unaware that there is a strong likelihood they have parasites. Parasite infections are one of the most underdiagnosed conditions in America. In fact, some experts suggest that around 90% of Americans have parasites. Parasite infections are a common problem we […]

Changing Your Medicare Plan in 2025?

pickelball is fun

Starting Tuesday, October 1st, Carriers, agents and brokers may begin sharing the new 2025 MAPD plans. Starting Tuesday, October 15th through December 7th, Medicare beneficiaries are able to make changes or dis-enroll from their current medicare plan. AEP Annual Enrollment Period Schedule an in-person meeting, ZOOM call or just call us 952-807-2417 we can help […]

Bio-Waters and Music

In fluid realms where molecules dance,Infinite arrangements, a graceful trance,Water, the muse of formless grace,Bends and molds in its aqueous space. In a cup it curves, obedient and mild,Embracing the vessel like a humble child.It yields to the mold, a shape it assumes,Adapting, conforming, as the container looms. Yet in the wild, its spirit runs […]

Stone Buster email

Please forgive the format. Subscribe to our newsletter HealthStyle Today for best appearance. Good thing is all the content is there.;-) All the best! *|MC:SUBJECT|* *|MC_PREVIEW_TEXT|* View this email in your browser Look familiar?? KIDNEY STONES, OR RENAL CALCULI, ARE SOLID MASSES MADE OF CRYSTALS. They can develop anywhere along your urinary track, which consists […]

Homeopathy Cures

It may take some time to regain your health, but consider how many years it took you to finally wear it down. Now, you turn to your insurance plan covered doctor, and the doctor recommends a prescription to try to calm the symptoms. You try the prescription and it helps the symptoms but more problems […]


ICHRA – Individual Coverage Health Reimbursement Arrangement. This type of Health Reimbursement Arrangement (ICHRA) is a way for your company to provide healthcare benefits to your team. It’s a new type of health benefit that allows you to use pre-tax money from your business to reimburse your team for any of their healthcare expenses, including […]

Statins and Your Health

*|MC_PREVIEW_TEXT|* View this email in your browser Statins and Cholesterol  How much does your doctor know about CHOLESTEROL? How much do you know?  With such a rise in cognitive disorders and the high use of statins this can be of little coincidence…. Ask your doctor the difference between a drug disease and natural illness, then do your own […]