Independent Primary Care Providers.
When you have a problem or injury this is the clinic or doctor you call first. Decide what kind of care you want for yourself, family or business.Comparison Worksheet
WHAT IS DIRECT PRIMARY CARE (DPC)? A personal relationship with your doctor. A doctor that sees you through wellness and recovery without insurance interference. Usually pay a monthly subscription for care throughout the year. Less stress, better care that supports local providers and health freedom. Minnesota PrimaCare Direct is medical clinic subscription service.
Concierge Doctors.
Concierge medicine, also known as retainer medicine, is a relationship between a patient and a primary care physician in which the patient pays an annual fee or retainer. This is a great pairing with a major medical plan or $0 medicare plan. Have a manager of your health care provided services, that has your best interest at heart.
Nationwide Independent Doctors.
Directory – out-of-network providers. We can help you identify your needs and budget. There are many options to consider for health, wellness, treatment and care. Cash pay. Deductibles can be expensive so instead pay cash for less.
Membership Health Plan Communities.
Medical cost sharing communities save members between 30% and 40% on MAJOR medical procedures and services. Cost sharing is for the major medical event; illness, injury, accident or diagnosis. Add one of the above to your medical cost sharing plan below.
10 Best Medical Cost Sharing plans. Click
Redirect Health
Finally, there’s affordable healthcare with NO copay routine primary care that includes hospitalization protection.
When you need medical care, Redirect Health will help you get the care you need while minimizing hassle, SAVING you money.
Flat Monthly fee all ages 18-64
Zion HealthShare – Major Medical Only
Zion Healthshare for major medical needs and hospitalization like illness, injury, accident or diagnosis and unforeseen medical events.
- Choose your initial out of pocket amount for a major medical need; $1000, 2500, 5000, (like a deductible) then the bills are shared in the community.
- Excellent maternity and delivery options.
- Go to any licensed provider, no network, no contracts, includes medical concierge. Coverage is worldwide
Zion Health Teladoc Membership
NETWORK Access to the PHCS/Multiplan national network of providers. You can still work with any provider but now gain pre-negotiated costs savings and simplicity using this nationwide PPO network. Young professionals can get a lot of healthcare for cheap.
Pre-Enrollment. Enrollment.
OneShare Health
Our Mission as a Health Care Sharing Ministry, is to help Christians share each other’s medical expenses by providing affordable sharing programs which align with their beliefs. With origins in the Anabaptist faith and a chaplain on staff, we welcome and unite those who agree with our core biblical principles and Statements of Beliefs relating to life, health, and caring for others.
As an ACA-exempt path to health care, OneShare Health offers affordable and flexible medical Sharing Programs. With industry-leading Membership Programs and an unparalleled Member experience, OneShare Health continues to grow our health care sharing Family in most major markets across the country. More like insurance without the high cost.
Find a Provider
Apex Management Group
APEX Management Group offers two Minimum Essential Coverage(MEC) plans. Both plans meet the requirements for credible coverage and are ACA compliant.
1. Summit Plan Co-Pay plan for families that have frequent medical needs. Includes MEC, office visits $20, specialists $50, urgent care, labs and imaging, a formulary and other discount services.
2. HDHP Essentials High Deductible plan, HSA eligible, less medical needs. Preventative visits: 1 per calendar year per family member, $0 co-pay. Plan covers 100% of the cost for certain preventative health services delivered by your doctor or provider in your plans network.
Provides insurance products for acute care. Add this to your cost sharing plan or because you want to have an HSA.

Starting at $30 at month. Great add-on to any plan or stand alone. Use the APP to make appointments at a discount.
Anyone can sign up for these plans. Brochure
WOW Health
Virtual urgent care visits – Unlimited
Mental Health Counseling – Unlimited
Medications – Top 400 medications FREE
Sedera Access Learn more
Sharing is Saving – Medical Cost Sharing is a surprisingly affordable non-insurance solution to manage large healthcare costs. Unlike other options, this approach is centered entirely around people helping people. Our Members share one another’s medical burdens and shop for the best care at the best price. In doing so, we support one another’s physical and financial health. Membership GUIDELINES
Low Monthly Cost – Monthly Costs start as low as $106 for an individual Member.
Go Anywhere – There’s no such thing as “out-of-network” with Sedera. We go where you go.
Member Advisors – Our expert advisors will help you navigate the complex world of medical care.
Price Transparency – Always know your out-of-pocket costs before you receive care.
Out-of-Pocket Limits – Need-related costs are capped after 3 medical needs for an individual (5 for a family) in a 12-month period.
Expert 2nd Opinions – Get 2nd opinions on surgeries and new diagnoses from some of the world’s top doctors. Exemption.
MPowering Benefits
Our affordable healthcare plans are an excellent solution to protect against unexpected high medical costs. It’s a freedom-focused, community-driven alternative with no annual or lifetime caps on sharing, where no one is declined based on religious beliefs.
Our virtual healthcare platform is an effective preventative solution to access a certified primary care doctor, pediatrician, mental health specialist, or women’s healthcare provider with no time limits at no additional cost 24/7/365 days a year. Plus access to virtual and live counseling for help with all of life’s challenges, including stress, anxiety, depression, relationship struggles, addiction, including employee assistance program. Access up to 12 in-person sessions per member/per year. Great plan for Self-Employed.
Member Switch Request to Premium Care or Premium HSA
Learn more Medi-Share is an innovative health care solution for Christians looking to save money without sacrificing on quality. As the nation’s largest health care sharing community, Medi-Share members take comfort in knowing their eligible medical expenses will be shared by their community. Statement-of-faith Enrollment Guidelines PHCS Network Exemption

Christian Healhcare Ministries
CHM is the alternative to insurance that gives you freedom over your healthcare decisions. CHM is a faith-based alternative to health insurance. It’s a membership-based, nonprofit ministry. As part of a biblical covenant, CHM members step in and help fellow brothers and sisters in Christ pay eligible medical bills according to the CHM Guidelines.
Independent Doctors and Clinics –
No Insurance, No Problem! Clear and transparent pricing and exceptional service! This is a good choice if you want a old fashion doctor relationship and pay as you go at a fair price.
Visit the TheDrsHouse. Better-than-concierge medicine for adults. Dr. Adepero Okulaja’s clinic has been designed to make her patients feel more like they are visiting a contemporary home vs. the stark look of many medical offices.
For Families – Visit Parkway Clinic. One of the most important decisions you will make is choosing a health care provider for you and your family.
PrimaCare Direct. Subscription DPC Flat monthly fee $75/ per person at your selected clinic. Great for people with regular medical needs.
Your Doctor My patients enjoy convenient office visits, personal communication via phone, e-mail, text, and much more.